Mount Olympus School Gurgaon


Monday, 10 July 2017

Humor- The new teaching methodology adopted by top schools in Gurgaon

The human species are born with the ability to stay connected with each other and work in collaboration. The ability to share, connect, listen. Empathies and revisiting the external interaction is vital for the development of the child and the preschool Gurgaon plays a crucial role in honing this ability and nurturing this skill. The Humor is one of the important traits which have been used by the great personalities across the globe for communicating their thoughts.

This is the reason, the good schools in Gurgaon are using Humor as a vital part of the learning continuum. There are so many advantages which come up when the students are taught the Humor blended lessons in the public school in Gurgaon. The taxonomy of the Humor comprises of witticism, jokes, cracks, puns, quips, gags, riddles, jests, conundrums and one-liners. Adding these forms into the daily curriculum can give a new edge to the education system of our country.

Here are some of the significant benefits which can be brought home if the Humor is made a part of the learning curriculum in the top schools in Gurgaon:

  1. Development of listening and reading skills: As per the statistics issued by the Global Education consultants, as much as 70% of the preschool Gurgaon shy away from listening or reading a comprehension. The main reason for such a statistic is the lack of interest in reading a comprehension or even listening when someone is reading out to them. The Humor can be considered as the best medicine in this situation. The tender age students are often attracted to Humor, so if something is read out to them with great expressions of Humor, they are bound to be attracted to the same. This is the reasons, the teachers of the primary schools in Gurgaon are adding a Humor touch to make the students learn the lessons in the simplest of the manners.

  2. Understanding the diverse culture: The world is increasingly turning into a heterogenous one. The students of today may be required to work with people from the diverse cultural background when they take the seats of professionals. Thus, being sympathetic and sensitive towards the people coming from different countries and cultures is of great importance and the Humor can aid in working towards bridging the gap. 

  3. Improves communication skills: We all are humans and as a generic trait, we all are born with the inbuilt elements of Humor. We all are humorous at one or the other point of time. A good set of communication skills is considered of great importance in today's competitive era. If you are not able to communicate properly, you cannot really survive amongst your competitors. When the students in the good schools in Gurgaon are taught about Humor, they are given an opportunity to open up and interact with a larger audience without any fear. The Humor gives them the freedom because even if something goes wrong in front of the audience, they are always at a privilege to cover it up under the veil of Humor. Such is the power of Humor!

  4. Appreciating literary masterpieces: Each and every top schools in Gurgaon have literary masterpieces as a part of their curriculum. Often the literature pieces appreciated across the globe have a great use of Humor tactics. If the students are aware with the Humor and its taxonomy, then only they can appreciate the intellect behind those masterpieces. The works of eminent personalities such as Mirza Ghalib, Jonathan Swift, Lewis Carroll, etc., can only be understood and appreciated if Humor is your domain.

  5. Overcome stress: Each and every human being these days is affected by stress. Stress is what is killing the human race. When the students in the public school in Gurgaon are taught about the Humor mechanism, the students become capable of unfolding its benefits for overshadowing stress present in the day to day life. By teaching the students about Humor, the teachers of the preschool Gurgaon are preparing their students with a massive tool to wage their battles of tomorrow.

The Bottom Line:
The Humor has even made a significant place for itself in the Literature. With the children, being the future leaders of our country, Humor as a skill taught in the primary schools in Gurgaon such as Mount Olympus School of Gurgaon, can help to perform their diverse roles in a better form.

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Gurgaon Top Schools – Imparting More Than Just Quality Education to The Students

Traditionally, the role of a school in a child’s life is considered by many to be limited to imparting good academic education to help the students attain professional and personal success. However, with the changing times, this perception has also undergone a gradual change so that now most good schools in Gurgaon are not just a place to gain academic knowledge but rather an institution that ensures the comprehensive growth and development of a child on all levels. From nurturing the intellectual skills of the students to enhancing their mental growth and even physical development, the top schools of Gurgaon focus on all round education of the children.

Challenge of Educating the Millennia Generation

One of the biggest challenges faced by almost every public school in Gurgaon is that of fulfilling the diverse education needs of the modern generation. The millennia generation is not only smarter but more inquisitive than every previous generation. Moreover, these youngsters are exposed to the latest technology quite early in life, which ensures that by the time they reach school age they have already developed a broad vision and at least some basic understanding of various learning aspects. The internet access, both at home and Gurgaon best schools, has further enhanced this trend especially since it provides the children with a massive and interesting source of information as well as misinformation. 

In view of the above facts, it is not surprising that most top schools of Gurgaon have understood the need to move beyond just providing academic education to the children. In keeping with the same they have gradually adapted a more comprehensive approach towards teaching. This new method focuses not only on imparting theoretical and practical knowledge about various subjects to the students, but also on ensuring their overall personal and creative growth. This helps a majority of good schools in Gurgaon in streamlining the learning process of the students while integrating the overflow of information that they are exposed to with their education. 

Major Highlights of The New Method

In order to ensure the complete effectiveness of the new teaching methodology, it is important to implement it right from the grass root level. That is why it is not uncommon to find even the best schools in Gurgaon for nursery to follow a new teaching pattern that lays greater stress on comprehensive growth and development of the kids. Such teaching methods lay the right foundation for the students to take advantage of the new teaching methodologies developed specially for the millennia generation. Some of the main highlights of these new teaching methodologies being increasingly adapted by almost every major public school in Gurgaon are discussed in brief as follows. 

  1. Integrate Technology With Traditional Teaching Methods: As mentioned before, modern day students are exposed to advanced technology from a very young age. In order to make them capable of using this technology and the information it provides in the most beneficial manner, Gurgaon top schools have integrated traditional teaching methods with the latest technology tools. This not only prevents the students from misusing the technology but also makes their learning experience more interesting and engaging. 
  2. Focus On Comprehensive Skill Development: Starting right from the best schools in Gurgaon for nursery kids to students seeking high school education, the new methodology focuses on comprehensive skill development. This approach is based on the idea that each student is born with some skills, which if nurtured in the proper manner can help them to attain great success. The top schools of Gurgaon have also recognized the fact that these skills might not necessarily relate to academics but can still play a critical role in shaping the future of the students.
  3. Developing A Sense Of Cultural Pride: Most good schools in Gurgaon are consistently working towards helping the students develop a sense of cultural pride.  The schools realize that this is important to boost the confidence level of the students especially if they intend to work on a global platform. Being aware of the deep rooted history and culture of their country makes the students not only feel proud about their heritage but also motivates them to work with professionals from other similar backgrounds in a more confident manner. To ensure the same, most Gurgaon best schools pay special attention towards enhancing the historic and cultural knowledge of the students.

Thursday, 11 May 2017

What to look when finding Top Schools in Gurgaon for your Child

Joining your kid in a good school is quite challenging. There are many things to be taken into consideration while finding a school. There are a number of schools in Gurgaon providing the best education. However, there is nothing to guarantee how qualified the teachers are and is the education given to the children is a reality to the current scenario that it can help the children to grow their knowledge and skills.

There are many factors to take into consideration while finding top schools in Gurgaon. Most of the parents would prefer the school to be at near proximity, while some just want a reputable school and never bother about the distance. Taking the right decision is more important than your personal preferences. At the same time remember that the school you choose should be capable increasing the ability, language, communication, social behavior and other activities of the child apart from the regular education and syllabus. Many parents besides analyzing and comparing the schools, go wrong with their decision because they are very conscious about selecting the right best schools in Gurgaon but go wrong in some aspects. Perhaps, for some parents, taking a decision is simple, they just look for the basic expectations to be fulfilled and of course not the least their budget or ability to pay the fees.

Here follow a few things to look when finding the best play schools in Gurgaon for your kids:

  • Before you attempt to find a school for your child, try to first understand your child’s personality, needs, interest, strengths and his/her ability
  • Try to understand the school’s culture and values, which you can consider with your family culture, lifestyle, and values. This can help you find the school that you are looking for
  • On the attempt of finding primary schools in Gurgaon you should also consider some of the personal values and preferences such as, do you want private education or public education, do you prefer religious education for your child, do you need to send your child to a boarding school or educating at home, do you prefer any particular teaching philosophy such as Montessori or mainstream and much more
  • There are also some practical considerations such as location of the schools, costs, the difficulty in traveling to the school from home, availability of public transportation, cost of private transportation in case of lack of public transportation and much more
  • If your child wants to be with his/her friend, then you should also consider paying some attention to his preference too, as he may get more interest to study in the place where his friends are
  • Try to think about which school the majority of the family in your locality chooses to send their children to primary school. This will help you to identify the Gurgaon best school in your locality.
  • There are some other factors to be considered about the school before you choose. Try to consider how big the school is and how many children are enrolled every year there
  • Try to know the facilities the school is offering for the children and will those facilities help hugely in the development and growth of your children over the years
  • The facilities available in the school should support your child in both learning and extra-curricular activities like playground for sports activities, music programs, sports teams, clubs, library, auditorium for conducting activities and much more
  • It is also equally important to understand the track records and previous academic results of the school you are attempting to choose. Try to know how well is the school performing since their establishment and how many children are now studying. This will show the quality and performance of the school
  • You should also know about is the school engaged in arts, sports and community activities and programs, which are very important for the overall development of the children
  • The public school in Gurgaon you choose should support the children in their special needs. For instance, if the child has some disability or developmental delay or autism spectrum disorder or any other need, then the school should be willing to provide relevant support and help to the parents and children.

Sunday, 7 May 2017

Primary Schools of Gurgaon and NCR Adopting Refined Kids Education Concepts

Education and schooling were accepted very early as the profound basis of life because upon these depend on the overall life patterns, the abilities and the success potentials along various dimensions. As the society evolved with time, the emphasis on education increased! The scholars and educationists have tried to establish the generic correlations for better education! The modern schooling systems that are adopted around the world are the results of their thought processes and theories which they offered. Many educationists also emphasized on the significance of kids’ education assuming it as the base of schooling. Later on, the behavioral and scientific researches established the importance of nursery education on the pretext that it lays the foundation for sound learning for the nascent child mind. Therefore, we find kindergarten, play-way method and nursery as the prominent concepts of kids’ education. Mount Olympus, the leading kids school in Gurgaon has developed its preschool and primary structure on the basis of these concepts and the objective is to acclimatize the child with the school’s formal environment.

Child psychology academics and research became the weapon to better understand as how the child develops the thinking and learning capabilities. This discipline teaches us to find out the early synergies that the child cultivates and how he corroborates the facts at the beginning of the learning process. The curriculums in the nursery and primary schools were then developed and modified as per the inferences made through such researches. The best schools in Gurgaon for nursery have adopted novel concepts to stimulate the mental capacities that lay dormant in the child mind. In fact, the theorists have opined strongly and with facts that the early stage brain stimulations could deliver results for life. Aware parents now look out for the preschools that have replicated the good theories in the best ways. Admission in nursery Gurgaon and NCR schools witness parents looking for these experiments because they want to ensure the optimized development of their child mind

The play way method 

Among many techniques that the preschools adopted was also the ‘play method’ of schooling. It involves the presentation of the simple curriculum in the form of interactive play and games. The most fundamental derivate from such a concept of schooling is the development of motivation in the child who feels inspired to perform a task and thus also learns while accomplishing it. At the starting stage when the child is introduced to the school system, his mind finds the void because of being away from home and the parents! It is, therefore, vital that such a void is not read by the child as sort of agony otherwise he would never like to visit the school. The play way methods plug the gaps and offer stimulations that are positively accepted with pomp. The best play school in Gurgaon has worked out innovations in preprimary curriculum's to better engage the kids towards collaborative learning. 

Multiple benefits ensured - 

The modern education academics and research have linked better primary schooling with the challenges of the higher education that the child has to undertake afterward. Unless the child has cultivated the generic capability to match the facts and derive inferences, he won’t be able to excel in sciences and behavioral studies. According to the best preschool in Gurgaon, there is also a connection between the inception stage play way method & the ‘hands on’ learning like in the laboratory or the field study missions that are taken up in middle schooling. 

Collaboration and coordination are yet other good achievements on the part of the student and these serve as the determinants of better team work at the professional level later in life. The implications are therefore far reaching! Best primary schools of Gurgaon and NCR are making the transitions on the basis of these researches and recommendations. Many also run teacher training programs on continuing basis so as to capacitate their staff towards these aims of better schooling of kids.

Thursday, 20 April 2017

Important facts needed to be checked, before looking for preschools admission

Getting your child admitted to top school at the play school standard, might sound like a very easy deal but once you actually start searching around for a school you will realize that it's a tough ordeal that has probably just started. Thanks to the age of technology, there are a number of sources that can help with information collection about the top schools and primary schools for kids. To find the best schools in Gurgaon for nursery, you don't need to search the entire world and so this will also make your search for best playschools in gurgaon easier. However, this is not the only way to find the best schools in Gurgaon. You can also browse through the newspapers and roadside banners giving you information about a number of good schools in Gurgaon.

While searching for the top schools in Gurgaon it's important for you to make a list of the criterion that you are going to follow so that you can compare the different schools easily without much trouble or confusion. Just having modern facilities is not enough. Every school nowadays has to play an important role in creating a bright future for their students and groom them appropriately for higher studies and successful professional life in future. The playschools in this regard play a very crucial role as they prepare your little ones for the primary schools. Starting from creating the right ambiance to giving them interesting study materials and using audio visual teaching aid, the playschools have a vast gap to fill. The good schools in Gurgaon in the list of premier preschools have to have trained teachers and vigilant nannies that can ensure the safety of your kids.

Additionally, be it preschools or primary schools, the government schools and public school in Gurgaon must have well designed security systems installed inside as well as outside the school premises to keep an intense watch on the activities of the students as well as anyone coming to meet the students. The security systems as well as security professionals help greatly in preventing any kind of accidents or unwanted situations that can cause major damage to a child's family as well as to the reputation of the school. The best schools might claim to have installed the best security facilities but it's your responsibility to find out the details from the school authorities so that you can be completely sure about the safety of your child while they are in school.

Cleanliness is another very important factor that you simply cannot neglect and this also includes health and hygiene factors that features regular pest control in school and trimming of grasses in the playgrounds as well as the gardens so that students don't come in contact with the harmful diseases like dengue and malaria. The Modern Schools in Gurgaon should also be careful about teaching good habits and manners to the students. All these aspects count greatly as what your child learns, 60% of it comes from the school.

Teaching techniques make a huge difference, be it at playschools or in primary schools as boring teaching techniques can actually affect the student's attention level as kids nowadays are smarter and they want something new every moment. In this case audio visual aid and computerized learning environment can add greatly to the entire teaching learning process. The trained teachers also know how to identify different learning needs and group the students accordingly as this helps them to cater to the needs of the students in a better manner. There are in fact so many things that you have to consider and focus on while searching for the top schools of Gurgaon and in this case it is always better to take advice from the parents who been there and have done the struggle themselves.

The parents with prior experience about locating the best and the good public schools in Gurgaon can guide you best with their updates and you will surely find it highly useful in your search for the right schools for your kids. There are so many parameters that you need to assess while searching for the top schools in Gurgaon and some of the internet websites giving you a basic idea about these parameters can prove to be really insightful.

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Rise of Preschool Institutes in Gurgaon

This is the age of new concepts and the preschool culture is one such concept that's greatly on the rise as more and more parents prefer to put their kids to preschool before they actually go to a full-fledged primary school. In fact, the preschools are designed to train your kids in the culture of primary schools. Finding the best kids school in Gurgaon might sound like a very easy task but unfortunately it is not as easy as it sounds. Nowadays, there are a number of domains and parameters that you need to judge before you send your little ones to a preschool environment.

Mount Olympus School, Gurgaon

In order to locate the most feasible and the best play school in Gurgaon you need to be sure that it's a genuine play school with trained teachers and not just mere home based play schools that mushroom in ground floors of private residential properties just because some person doesn't want to sit idle at home. Though, It cannot be emphasized that, these small scale play schools are not good. Some of them do turn out to be good but some are sitting here just to make money. A lot of kids at the initial stages of life, face speech problems and many play schools claim to fix this problem by the time the kid should be eligible for regular schooling but you need to find out carefully if they are actually capable of taking care of the problems that the little ones face at this nascent stage of their lives or they are just making fake promises.

This is why it's important that you should interact with the parents of other children who are already associated with particular playschools in Gurgaon and find out if the schools live up to the promises that they make or do they just come up with fake claims during admission just to grab potential clients. If you find out about any such failed case that a particular school has to its name then it's better to interact with the parents of the children who might have been asked to leave after few months of schooling. This will help you to find out about the actual status of the school and its facilities unlike the claims made by the school authorities.

If you are looking for a genuine preschool Gurgaon organization, then a branded institute franchise should always be better as these franchise organizations have all facilities that are must for the modern preschool organizations and their facilities should also include benefits for the special children who might have sensory issues or speech problems and problem with following instructions and a reputed play school in Gurgaon adhering to a renowned and reliable play school chain has to include sufficient facilities for handling specially enabled children.

With the rise of special children across the country, it's very important for play schools to have appropriate facilities for these children so that they are taught to adjust with regular children from the very beginning. There are a lot of play schools that will take your kids for few months despite knowing their problems and after six months they have every chance of telling you that they cannot help you or your child and they don't even have to give a refund. However, the branded play school franchise institutes cannot do this as they are completely equipped with fresh techniques of handling every kind of child. Additionally, they have trained teachers as well as special educators so that they can understand the needs of children much better.

One of the very important factors related to determining the best preschool in India is security facilities. It's very important for even best of the preschools to have security facilities so that parents also know that their little ones are safe inside the school premises and simply don't have a chance of going outside without any adult accompanying them. Majority schools will have security facilities while the best preschool in Gurgaon might as well have security cameras guarding their premises both internally and externally.

These are some of the essential factors that you simply cannot ignore and the best preschools will invariably fulfill all your expectations and they must also adhere to modern teaching techniques which play a very vital role in grooming the kids for the bigger primary schools.

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Factors That Make Sending Kids to Play Schools In Gurgaon Necessary

If both you and your wife are working, then the most obvious choice for you would be to get your child admitted in a good preschool Gurgaon, where your child would be not just taken care of while both of you are at work, but where he or she would learn a lot of new things, which you do not have the time to teach them. However, what many parents do not realize is that these play schools in Gurgaon are not just good for the kids with working parents, but for even those kids who have stay at home moms. 

Below are a few reasons which will make you understand the importance of making all kids attend a good preschool:

Help The Growth Of Your Child

At home, everything is done as per the mood of the child. He or she can sleep time late hours in the morning and stay up late in the night. There are no fixed timings, for his or her food nor is the child required to accommodate the mood of others when deciding on which games to play. By sending your child to attend a good kid’s school in Gurgaon, you would be giving your child his or her first experience of living in a structured environment. Adjusting to this new lifestyle may be a little difficult for some kids and they may cry a lot, but in the end, it helps in preparing them for their future. 

Starting Academics With Fun

Sending your child directly to Kindergarten can actually prove to be more difficult for your child, since he or she would have absolutely experience in taking instructions or any foundation for learning. Kindergartens tend to be more academically inclined and, therefore, kids find it a lot harder to adjust to that environment if they do have the experience of going to the best preschool in Gurgaon.  At these preschools, the children are not burdened with the pressure of learning from books or exams, but they taught many intellectual and academic things through fun games and activities. This not only expands the learning skills of the children, but also prepares them to start their academic journey from Kindergarten onwards. 

Social Development

Most of the families these days are nuclear families. Since the cost of living and raising a child has increased significantly, therefore, most of the parents prefer to have just one child or at max two. As a result of this, these kids tend to be the sole child in the house and hence highly pampered. They are not expected to share their toys with anyone, and are used to getting their way at all times. By getting preschool admission in Gurgaon for your child, you would send him or her to an environment where they will have to learn to live with other children coming from a similar background. The kids will learn to play with each other, make friends, share their stuff and other very important social skills, which will help in their future life, and personality development. 

Learning To Make Choices

Most of the brain development of a child happens in the first 5 years of their life. Therefore, to think that a child of 3 years of age is too young for them to understand things or make choices for themselves is wrong. You are actually curtailing the growth of these children by not giving them the freedom to choose. The preschools give these children the option of many activities, which the children can participate in as per their own liking. Thus, encouraging them to choose for themselves the activities that they prefer or like. 

Becoming Self Dependent

Another big advantage of sending children to good preschools is that the children learn to actually take care of not just themselves but others as well. While at these schools, the kids have to learn to eat their own food, use the washroom without help and perform many other similar tasks for themselves. The kids may also be required to help each other out in completing various tasks and activities, thus helping them in learning to be helpful and considerate towards others. 

Thus, for the complete development of your child, do send them to a good preschool.

Friday, 27 January 2017

Mount Olympus Emerges As the Best Preschool in Gurgaon through Its Dedicated Initiatives

Education system is developing fast; courtesy to the new researches and findings in the education academics as also the best practices and innovations by the leading banners of education around the world. All such initiative and synergism is geared towards a better and productive education system that is well substantiated to deliver as per the challenges and requirements of society and economy. Specifically speaking, the objective is to train the child mind in a manner that it is able to evolve as a resource for the society and economy and delivers optimizing contribution to the same. If this is ensured, the progress of social economy will continue unabated and the civilization would move forward for sure! Preschool is a late development in the education system and is considered significant because of its tremendous benefits towards child grooming and development of his potentials. Best preschool in India like Mount Olympus has adopted well researched curriculum's to inspire the child mind towards education processes and thus lay the foundation for a better resonance in future stages of education!

Preschool or playschool is the stage that precedes the formal schooling and is now a norm throughout the world. As the name suggests, this stage is designed to allow a playful atmosphere to the child who is entering the school first time. The idea is pretty scientific from the perspective of child psychology; while its popularity has increased on account of more than one factor. Let’s find out as what is the significance of playschool and what propels this concept so that it has become a permanent and must feature in the education system!

1. Playschool as a medium of assimilation for the child

Playway schools are developed with the objective of allowing the child mind to acclimatize to the new atmosphere which is different from home. The child who knows only his parents and home is to be introduced to school where he finds a different ambience and without parents. From the point of infant’s psychology, this could be really distressing and can leave a negative impact after which child would start avoiding the school concept. To eliminate the chances of antipathy in child, playway school concept has been developed and a complete joyful atmosphere is served. Due to this, child begins to love the thought and ambience of a school and wants to spend more time there with his peers. The ability to implement this concept is very important and it is here that the real challenge for the educational banners exists. Without proper training, this concept remains a blur! Mount Olympus is one of the leading playschools in Gurgaon and it has developed a well defined infrastructure that allows assimilating the child without aberrations. 

2. Playschool suits well for initial grooming of child mind

Playschools are characterized by a healthy ambience marked by same age peers and diversity of constructive play concepts. Here the child begins to learn how to communicate with peers of his age without the help of his parents or else (although a trained teacher is always there to offer the necessary help every time). The constructive games and plays including rhyming and repetitions are also significant in conditioning the child mind towards a good goal that he would be carrying throughout the later years of academics. Mount Olympus, considered as the best preschool in Gurgaon has established a fine grooming ambience to ensure that child is able to learn the skills of cooperation, communication, constructive play and such other vital traits. 

3. Playschools allow fine transition to innovative learning methods like ‘playway method’

Playschools are also important from the standpoint of acting as a bridge for the student when he reaches for the formal schooling standards beginning from class 1st. Educationists and their researches have counseled the adoption of playway method of teaching that makes use of interactive and inquiry oriented efforts on the part of students with the objective of better learning and memory. A student graduating from playschool finds this approach of teaching conducive and nor new! Mount Olympus preschool Gurgaon has a fine transitional mechanism for students moving up from its preschool to its playway oriented standards of 1st and onwards.

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Top Schools in Gurgaon Adopting Better Learning Styles and Quality!

Education has been identified among the primary needs of individual and society. This is because education alone grooms the nascent mind in the conduct of society and also prepares the child for the earning pursuits towards livelihood requirements. In the absence of proper education, the human resource would be rendered futile and defunct, thus causing the implosion of society as a whole. Schooling system was developed as the practical dimension of education and the intention was to offer a standardized and uniform platform for progressive and differentiated development of the child mind along all vital dimensions. As the societies around the world evolved and became more mature, the emphasis on education and schooling increased.

Modern governments today assume education as their prime responsibility and therefore are spending hefty amounts towards the development of the same. With continued awareness, more parents are looking for better and quality education so that there are no discrepancies in grooming of their child. This has also led to the private sector participation; because public sector schooling system developed quality issues. Top schools in Gurgaon and other leading cities of India are now run by private banners. 

Private sector schools fare better in terms of quality 

The quality concerns with the schools under government are bred out of specific reasons that have become hard to eliminate; corruption is one among them while lack of funds is another reason! In countries like India which are still tagged as ‘developing’, public funding is a major determinant and almost as a norm, we find improper funding as a deterrent towards quality education. Governments are struggling in their budgets for allocating more funds for the education plans per year and this problem is compounded by the high level of corruption in the system wherein majority of funds get eaten up while moving down for the ground level implementation. 

As per a recent study conducted by an NGO in India, we find remarkable differences in the quality of education in the government and private primary schools of Gurgaon. The latter have moved much forward and have adopted the latest standards of teaching that promise better mental development and learning skills. Mount Olympus is counted among the best schools of Gurgaon and it undertakes yearly evaluation of its teaching practices while it also incorporates the best practices from leading institutions of world! Thus there is almost ‘research’ dynamism in the private sector primary schools in Indian cities. In the government sector, barring a few examples or centers of excellence, the schools are struggling even to get the periodic funding as their running expenses!

Education research producing new models 

Most of the education research is oriented along the dimension of what the society and economy demands presently and in near future from its human resource? This is an important determinant of the success of education system; because in the event of failing to respond towards socio economic demands, the education system would be aberrant. All the education think tanks around the world are geared in a dynamic mode to look out for the new inputs for the educational system so as to keep it robust and healthy as far as the challenges and requirements are concerned. While lot of research outputs and inferences are ready to be utilized, the implementations are a different story. Governments mostly fail to give practical shape to the new models of education because of the inherent red tap-ism in bureaucracy. 

Innovative learning methods and curriculum - 

The private sector schools are more enthusiastic regarding the new developments. In fact, they are somewhat bound to ensure highest quality standards because of the emergent competition and higher expectations of the aware parents from well to do section of society. Primary schools of Gurgaon and Delhi have been including new concepts in their curriculum so as to improve, rather optimize the capacity of child mind. Such inputs have been found very important towards delivering a definite edge to child’s learning and understanding dimensions that continue to deliver in the higher education also. Mount Olympus has enriched its primary level curriculum with ‘playway learning styles’ which spark more interest and inspiration in the children. These practices have made Mount Olympus one of the best schools of Gurgaon!